Transform your leadership and become the extraordinary leader people love to follow!

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Become an Empathic and Effective Leader with the Insights of the Enneagram

Gain self-awareness of your personality and leadership style and discover an opportunity for growth with the help of the Enneagram!

Transform your leadership and become the best leader YOU can be with the Enneagram Leadership coaching

Being a leader is no small feat; it's about more than just managing tasks; it's about inspiring and guiding others toward a shared vision.

With the support of Enneagram Leadership coaching, you can transform into an empathic, effective, and extraordinary leader. By delving into your Enneagram type, you gain profound insights into your strengths, blindspots, and communication styles.

This self-awareness enables you to lead with authenticity, empathy, and resilience, fostering trust and respect among your team members.

Through Enneagram Leadership coaching, you develop the skills to nurture a positive work environment, cultivate meaningful connections, and inspire your team to achieve greatness together.

It's not just about being a leader; it's about becoming the kind of leader YOU aspire to be—one who leaves a lasting and positive impact on those around you.

“The Enneagram highlights our strengths, so we can appreciate and mobilize our assets, and it helps us see our weak points, so we can work to grow aspects of ourselves that we have neglected or overlooked or avoided.”

— Beatrice Chestnut, PhD

The Benefits of Enneagram Leadership Coaching

  • Understand yourself deeper with the insights of the Enneagram of Personality. Discover your patterns, strengths, weakness, and blindspots and how they influence your leadership style.

  • Learn your communication style based on your Enneagram type and how to communicate empathically and effectively with other people.

  • Gain insights about your conflict activators, how you respond to conflict, and how to effectively resolve conflicts with other Enneagram types.

  • Discover your areas of growth and personalized roadmap to becoming the best version of yourself so you can be the leader you aspire to be!

The Leadership Transformation Journey

  • 1. Self-observation

    The journey begins with deep introspection and exploration of your Enneagram type, uncovering your core motivations, fears, and habitual patterns of behavior.

    Through guided exercises, assessments, and discussions, you gain insights into how your personality influences your leadership style, communication, and decision-making. Y

    ou become aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots, laying the foundation for personal growth and leadership development.

  • 2. Self-acceptance

    As you delve deeper into your Enneagram type, you cultivate a sense of compassion and acceptance towards yourself.

    You recognize that each Enneagram type has its unique gifts and challenges, and you embrace your authentic self without judgment or self-criticism.

    This journey of self-acceptance allows you to acknowledge and honor your strengths while acknowledging areas for growth.

    You develop greater resilience and confidence in your ability to lead authentically, inspiring trust and respect from those around you.

  • 3. Self-regulation

    With a solid foundation of self-awareness and self-acceptance in place, you turn your attention towards self-regulation—the ability to manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors effectively.

    Drawing on Enneagram insights, you develop strategies to navigate challenges, regulate stress, and respond to situations with greater composure and clarity.

    By honing your self-regulation skills, you become a more resilient and adaptable leader, capable of maintaining balance and focus amidst complexity and uncertainty.

— Teresa Roche, former VP and Chief Learning Officer, Agilent Technologies

“Simply put, leaders need to understand themselves before they can understand others. Self-awareness requires seeing one’s self in an objective way. Research has shown that those leaders who know themselves better are more successful than those who do not. Highly effective leaders encourage development by openly developing themselves.”

Enneagram Leadership Coaching

Coaching program details:

  • 5 X 1-hr deep coaching sessions (Virtual or in-person if local)

  • Access during office hours via WhatsApp in between sessions

  • A workbook

Now, are you ready for your transformation?